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Represents a task in the game. Inherits from ZObject.


Active Boolean If the task is active or not.
Complete Boolean If the task is complete or not.
CompletedTime Time The time, when this task is marked as completed.
CorrectState String State of the task. At the beginning, the state is "None". There are also the following states: "Correct", "NotCorrect".
SortOrder Number Order to sort the tasks in lists. At the beginning, this number is 0. The task with the lowest number in SortOrder is at the top of the list.


ZTask Wherigo.ZTask(ZCartridge cartridge) Returns a new instance of object ZTask. The only parameter is a instance of ZCartridge.
ZTask Wherigo.ZTask({parameters}) Parameter is a table with default entries. It is possible to set the following properties: Active, Complete, CorrectState, SortOrder. Additionally all parameters, which are valid for ZObject constructor.